Life, the Loonyverse and Everything

Thoughts about life in the UK, the state of the world, governmental and commercial intrusion into our lives and anything else that takes my fancy. All from the point of view of a UK guy in his fifties trying to make ends meet in a world where business determines your quality of life.

16 June 2006

Celebrity Fertility

Are you fed up with 'celebrities' who need to let everyone know that they are pregnant? Do they do it to prime the likes of 'Hello' and other pointless publications to have their chequebooks ready? Is it to say 'Look at me, I've had sex and I'm fertile!'?

I'm not interested at all - I have a real life with real ups and downs of my own. I don't need to know who's screwing whom and forgot to use contraceptives. I agree when these people complain about a lack of privacy and invasive paparazzi, but it is difficult to justify when they want the publicity as well - they can't have it both ways. You can't complain and then sell your wedding or baby photos to a magazine or newspaper. If only the public would stop buying this crap and get a life of their own - some hope!


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