Life, the Loonyverse and Everything

Thoughts about life in the UK, the state of the world, governmental and commercial intrusion into our lives and anything else that takes my fancy. All from the point of view of a UK guy in his fifties trying to make ends meet in a world where business determines your quality of life.

27 April 2006


Well here I am - I finally jumped on the blogwagon. I've been reading a number of blogs on and off for a couple of years now, but never really had the time or inclination before. I will add a profile telling you a bit more about me, but I wish to keep my identity private.

I intend this to be an occasional comment on life here in the UK, especially any of the following subjects: -

  • The UK Government and political parties
  • Commercialisation of our lives - especially my views on the Banking sector
  • Celebrity worship (good and bad)
  • The dross that we are fed in the name of entertainment (and my choice of what is good out there)
  • Science and Technology - the good, the bad and the 'why on Earth would you want to do that?'
  • My slant on UK and World issues that interest or worry me
  • Pet hates, rants & raves, interests, causes that I support
  • Just about anything else
You could sum it all up as Life, the Loonyverse and Everything

(with apologies to the late Douglas Adams).


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